Are you interested in learning more about the new Voting System?
Click here to access Secure the Vote
ATTN: **If you have any questions about your voting location and/or status, please click here to visit the "My Voter Page" or call the Elections & Voters Registration office at 706-344-3640.
Click here to view a Sample Ballot. Please Note: The Sample Ballot link will take you directly to the Secretary of State's website for your specific sample ballots based on your precinct.
If you have any questions about your voting location and/or status, click here to view info at "My Voter Page" or call the Elections & Voter Registration office at 706-344-3640.
The last day to register for any election is 30 days prior to that election.
Any mail-in applications must be postmarked 30 days prior to that election.
If you have moved, you must have notified us 30 days prior to any election.
If you are not sure if you are registered, please call or email us first.
If you have moved to another county, you must re-register using the official registration form.
Note: If you have moved within Dawson County you must notify us 30 days prior to any election.
Driver's License - You are automatically registered to vote unless you choose to "Opt Out".
Register at the Dawson County Library when you apply for a library card, or any time you are at a library you may pick up a blank application and mail it in yourself.
Pick up an application at government service centers or city hall.
You can print a voter registration application from the Georgia Secretary of State website.
Register on-line at the Secretary of States OLVR (Online Voter Registration) at OLVR
Call us at (706) 344-3640 and we will mail you an application.
Pick up an application in person at the Board of Elections and Registration Office.
Locate your current polling place under My Voter Page.
To vote in person, one form of proper identification is required.
Absentee Ballot Application request: Click Here
Voter Identification Requirements
One form of ID from the list below must be presented when you go to vote. If you have none of the IDs listed below, you may acquire a free voter photo ID at your local voter registration office.
Acceptable Forms of ID:
A Georgia driver's license, even if expired.
A valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including one issued by the Department of Driver Services or your county registrar's office.
Valid U.S. passport.
Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority, or other entity of this state.
Valid U.S. military photo ID.
Valid tribal photo ID.